Sometimes I feel pretty hypocritical writing things like what I'm going to write because I see what an incredible hypocrite I am. But sometimes, like now, I just have to write anyway:)
From Jeremiah: "So the word of the Lord has brought me insult and reproach all day long. But if I say, 'I will not mention Him or speak any more in His name', His word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my very bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot."
So it's the first week of Advent, of the four weeks of Advent, culminating in Christmas. I was reading this in a book, and it was so wonderful. Ever since I became a Christian, the Bible became living to me, and I long to delve deeper and deeper into it, to discover its layer upon layer upon layer of meaning, much like a Holy lasagna! There is so much in it that I wrestle with, so much that I frankly don't like, and even more that is completely incomprehensible to me. But nevertheless, it is truly living and active, and revelatory. As we prepare our hearts to celebrate Christ's birth, it would do me well to remember all of the miraculous events surrounding His life and death.
From "Fifth Seal" by Bodie and Brock Thoene:
The rushing wind stirred the wild oats. Oak leaves rattled as the sun sank low in the west and the twilight fell. And then, on the breeze, Yosef heard the voice:
' Yosef bar Jacob...Yosef, son of Jacob. Adonai has heard your question.'
"Which question? I've asked so many!"
'How is it that the Messiah is called Bar El Olam -- Son of the Eternal God -- yet will live on earth and be called Yeshua bar Yosef?' Before time existed, He existed. Listen to the Word of Adonai..."In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were created; without Him nothing was created which had been created. In Him is the life, and that life is the light of men. The light will shine in the darkness, but the darkness will not understand it."
"You speak of Messiah. Of the baby Mary carries. Yeshua, who will be my son. Yeshua bar Yosef...Son of the mighty Elohim? Yeshua bar Yahweh? I still don't know how it can be or why."
'He is within the first word of Scripture. Think, Yosef, of the first word in Torah. Six Hebrew letters: bet....resh....alef....sheen....yod....tav....pronounced BeRESHiYT. What does it mean?'
"In the beginning."
'These six letters contain the clue to all creation. Read it in Hebrew. Only two letters at a time. Begin, "In the beginning".
"Bet Resh".
'Stop there. Now tell me what small Hebrew word is spelled by Bet Resh.'
"The first two Hebrew letters of "in the beginning" are Bet and Resh...the exact same spelling as the Hebrew word for Bar! Son! Bar! It indicates the 'heir apparent, a ruler coequal with his father'."
'Now, the next two letters, please.'
"Alef. Sheen. Of course! This spells the Hebrew word for 'foundation'! The next two letters Yod and Tav spell Yath! This mean 'who'!...Bet...Resh...Alef...the word is Bara. This means 'created'!"
'Now, breaking the Hebrew sentence into these smaller words, what eternal truth do the first nine letters of Genesis explain?'
"Bar...son...heir of the Father. Osh...from foundation. Yath...who. Bara....created."
'Go on. One with Elohim, He created...the heavens and the earth.' Yosef's visitor stood and bowed deeply as he finished his proclamation.'The Word of the Lord. This amplifies the truth of eternity. It does not contradict it. So, you see, within the Hebrew word IN THE BEGINNING is also the identity of the Creator. He is the Son. He is the Heir. He has existed from the Foundation. He is the Word. The Creator. The Son and Heir is one in being with Elohim. And there is much, much more. So very much more eternal truth woven into these nine letters...if only we had time.'
"Wait! Don't go! Don't leave me feeling so...small!"
'It is written. Soon! Soon! He is coming soon! You will behold him face-to-face. Immanu'el...God-with-us.'
On a typically cruddy and frustrating Monday, this was just what I needed to read to remind me that God's got it under control.