Monday, June 30, 2008

The City that Never Sleeps

I am entering another week of study mania; I have five tests next week, and so my fourth of July will be spent at the library. I am hoping to get out for some fireworks that night though. This past weekend was absolutely fantastic, such an answer to prayer. One of my dear dear friends came to visit me, and it was so what I needed. I hadn't realized how much my heart was needing to be with someone who knew me before all of this, but it was. So, being able to just enjoy the city and do fun things with my friend was so incredibly restorative. We had many adventures: we walked about 2000 mls (no, it just felt like that); got caught in a rainstorm and absolutely drenched, went to my fave museum in the city, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, saw STOMP (awesome!! but loud) and went to see our favorite actor (Bradley Whitford from "the West Wing) in a funny Broadway play called 'Boeing Boeing'. It was so great! We went to church on Sat. night, and spent Sunday morning at Starbucks, reading the New York Times, and doing the crossword. It was the refueling I needed to attack this week and the next with energy and motivation.

Funny New York stories:
1) I was on the subway and I was reading a book about how doctors think. This little girl got on the train; she was probably 7 or 8, had cute little glasses and curly, crazy brown hair, and sat next to me. She had a picture she drew of Puerto Rico, and after this precocious little one introduced herself to me, she proceeded to tell me all about it, and how she was going to work more on it when she got home, etc. Then she saw my book and asked if she could read it, and I said, "Certainly!" So she took and read it for probably a good ten minutes while I and the rest of the passengers sitting around us looked at her and at one another and smiled. This book has big words in it (for an 8 yr. old) but she seemed to want us to think she could actually understand it. She was turning the pages, but too quickly for her to have actually read it. When my stop came, I told her I had to go, but it had been a pleasure talking to her, and she said, "Same to you. I hope that you have a lovely weekend." Her mother was sitting next to her, and she just smiled at me and shook her head as if to say, "Oh, that girl". I laughed and said "Thank you, I hope you do to! Goodbye!" I'm sure she doesn't know it, but that little girl made my day.
2) I have been compiling a mental list of things I like about NY, and things I don't. Here's what I have so far:

1) Running in Central Park
2) Finding new restaurants
3) Sugar Sweet Sunshine cupcakes
4) Free concerts
5) The roof of my dorm--great view of city
6) Using words like "bonkers" and "lamey Mclame"
and "skeezoid" to describe things
7) St. Pat's Cathedral -- beautiful!
8) Skyline at night

Don't Like:
1) Bathroom stall doors that have a big gap on both the hinge and handle side so that you can make eye contact with people standing in line, while you are on the toilet. So annoying!! I mean really, why even have a door?
2) Missing free concerts
3) When I'm crabby, and there are
4) When people are walking reeee
eeeeeaaaaalllly slowly and I am
thinking uncharitable thoughts,
like "move your hinder!!" or
"you make a better door than a

Oops, just realized how late it is getting, time to hit the books! I'll keep adding to the list later...

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