Monday, June 9, 2008

I'm Pretty Sure I Can Get that For Free

So, I was walking back from dinner tonight on the upper West side, and I noticed something that made me burst out laughing. Maybe it's because I have a lot on my mind in terms of schoolwork; maybe I'm just tired; maybe it's just because that's the way I am wired. Maybe I'll write more so in rhymes I'll be mired. Maybe if a potential employer reads these lame rhymes I won't be hired, or if I was, I'll be fired. Okay. Moving on. The point: at one of the many many street food vendors, my eyes just happened to fall on a sign listing breakfast items for sale and their corresponding prices. The list:
Bagels $1.50
Toast with Eggs $3.00
Toast with Jelly $1.15
Donuts $2.00
Muffins $1.50
Scorn $2.00
No, that wasn't a typo. It actually said "Scorn" instead of "Scone". Now, how didn't they catch that? Not only was a letter transposed, its position in the word was also shifted. It wasn't just a simple substitution error. I burst out hysterically though, making everyone around me think that for sure they were dealing with a crazy person. It was actually pretty ironic, seeing that sign in New York, the city that is stereotypically known for presenting a tough, metropolitan, scornful attitude. I've never heard anyone talk about "New York nice". (Although, I do have to say, every person I've met out here has been an absolute gem.)
I'm pretty sure one could get scorn for free. I sure wouldn't pay for it. Maybe I should go there tomorrow and ask for a piping hot scorn.

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