Sunday, October 26, 2008


I've been studying all day and I need to take a break...what better way than to write a blog post? This past week has been nuts, and this coming up week has the potential of being even worse. I don't want to think about it, really. So I will tell you all instead about a funny thing that happened on Friday night. So, we had a big test on Friday and were excited to go to a friend's housewarming party. The blessed girl lives right next to Central Park (I'm so jealous!) and has a great little bachelorette pad. That's all besides the point though. The funny stuff happened on the train on the way there. We were sitting there, when all of a sudden, the train stops and policemen are clearing out the car directly behind us. They are outside of the train, in the adjacent car, everywhere. We were like, "What the heck is going on?" These three people had just gotten on at the previous stop, and they started laughing and telling us about their night. This was their second attempt at catching this train. The first time, they were waiting at the station, and they said that the train pulled in, stopped, and then backed up, slowly, like someone backing out of a room when they see someone but don't want to be seen. To hear the guy tell it was hysterical! He was like, "Yeah, man, it took one look at my friend there and it was like, 'Hell, no, I don't want him on this train! I'm jest gonna sneak on outta here...'" We were laughing soooo hard, my stomach hurt. As he was telling this story, his girlfriend got up to see what was going on in the car next to us, and it looked like someone had spilled a big can of black paint or something on the floor. The guy who was telling the story was like, "First we can't catch a train, and now we got the frickin' outbreak monkey on the next car! We all gonna be quarantined!" With that, we lost it again, and my friend said that he would go roll around in the paint, make angels, and track handprints across the top of the car. Someday, someone would come in there and say, "What the heck happened here?" It was so funny. And we were sooo tired and that made it even funnier. Okay, enough with the study break, Stef. Back to work.

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