Sunday, September 7, 2008

Cat ON the Hat, Lou Dobbs, Hanna, and A Political Rant

Only in New York. My friend and I were taking in a pre-church tea at Starbs this morning, and I casually looked out of the window at one point. Well, walking by was a guy with a cat riding on top of his baseball cap. I'm being serious. It was a black and white cat, wearing a collar with a little bell on it. And it looked perfectly content sitting on this guy's head while he was walking the streets of Midtown. I just stared for a little bit, not sure if I was seeing correctly, but I was. This guy was walking with a woman, who seemed completely unperterbed that she was with a man with odd penchants for feline positioning. Hmm. Maybe she has a dog that she carries wedged firmly up her nose.
Another interesting thing, I am going to be in the audience at the Lou Dobbs show on CNN on Monday night. He is talking about the candidates and their platforms, and me and my friends got asked to be there. So, maybe we'll be on TV! Obama and McCain are coming to Columbia on Thursday for a Presidential forum, and we all entered a lottery to get tickets for it, so if I get to go to that, this will probably turn out to be the most political week of my life.
Tropical Storm Hanna thought she'd get the best of us yesterday, but we prevailed. Even to the point of going for a lovely run in the rain and wind. It was great!! It is, to date, the first time I've been in a rainstorm with a name.
I've really been into this current election cycle. Either way, it will be an historic event: our first black pres, or our first female veep. In watching the conventions, one word stuck out to me, almost to the point of hilarity: change. I agree that a lot of things need to change, but sometimes politics makes me chuckle. I'll be the first to admit that I don't know a whole lot about it, but sometimes it feels like little more than pandering to whichever base one is currently trying to win over. No one is happy with Bush right now, it seems, so perhaps that is the reason for they were all playing the 'change card'. (Which brings me to another gripe: I am thoroughly over any statement with 'card' in it, ie. the race card, the age card, the female card, etc. etc. Let's come up with a new cliche, shall we?) So, I think that maybe all four speeches can be summed up with these few words: "I'm gonna bring the change. The other guys suck and they won't. Changity change change change." Okay, I sound a little mean, and slightly jaded, perhaps. I mean no disrespect to either candidate, and I sincerely hope that whomever gets elected makes good on his promises. I am not holding my breath though. I don't know which way I am going to vote, because there are aspects of each candidate that I agree with and respect, and each that I don't. Either way, this will be a very interesting couple of months!

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