Monday, July 7, 2008

Darn It!

I am so ticked at myself. I just got back from studying for what seems like years, but was really just four hours after an 8 hr day of class, and decided to pull out my new, very cute top that I bought a few weeks ago, and haven't worn yet, to wear to class tomorrow. Well, I was looking around, thought I hung it up, looked in drawers, thought maybe I folded it up, looked everywhere, and couldn't find it. And then it hit me: I think I put it in a bag on the floor a week ago, and in one of my frenzied cleaning ordeals (which hit quite frequently) maybe I threw it out! It was made of a thin material, so if I was throwing away a big bag of random junk, it could have ended up in there. That ticks me off to no end. It wasn't expensive, but it wasn't cheap, either. I'm not going to buy a new one. I'll just have a sulk about it until I go to bed and then get over it. Darn it!
Speaking of funny shirts, I saw a guy today who was wearing a shirt that said, "Hoosier daddy" Haha. He was a young guy, so probs got it from Goodwill or something; I figure that it was made in Indiana? Anyway, it gave me a chuckle.
Also funny, while walking through part of Harlem today, I saw a sign for a realtor specializing in helping young professionals build equity. I remember it because the name was quite striking, and wouldn't necessarily be one I'd choose if I was appealing to professionals. The name of the realty was PHAT Cribs, Inc. I did a double-take. Seriously? Is that really what you wanted to name your company? Are you sure? Really? Ummm....okay.

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