Monday, July 28, 2008

A Starbucks IV

I am sitting on the couch in the Great Room of our dorm, studying with friends, and trying valiantly to maintain focus and concentration. I am tired. Dog tired. Double-dog tired. So tired that my tiredness is tired. After a million hours in the airport yesterday, I finally got back home @ 2am and after taking a shower to wash off the trip grimies, I fell into bed, having to wake up 3.5hrs later to go study before my final this morning. All in all, I've gotten about 10hrs of sleep the past three days, and I am drinking so much coffee and Diet Coke that I am pretty sure it has completely replaced all of my bodily fluids, and if you stuck a needle in me, some dry roast would come out. Honestly. Yesterday was a comedy in errors; whatever could go wrong did. But, I met a guy on the way back that gave me hope that there are still gentlemen in this world. (Forgive me any male friends reading this; you are all excluded from the 'no gentlemen left' clause, of course.) We were deliriously tired, having waited all day for the flight that almost never was, and finally got to NYC, only to wait in another long line for a taxi. Well, the limo drivers came over to offer all of us 'great deals' as they always do, and he was smart enough to turn it down, which I told him. Never a good idea to take a black cab unless you are feeling up to paying way more than you want to. So, we started talking, and I was soon impressed with his humility, his kindness, his humor. It was a welcome antidote to a crud-tastic day. We split a cab into the city and he insisted on paying the lion's share of the fare, which he most definitely did not need to do. So, in addition to meeting a really cool guy, I also got home for a lot cheaper, and with a lot better company, than I ever intended to. He's only in town for the week, so no numbers exchanged, but maybe I'll run into him again sometime...
Anyway, so I'm sitting here, studying, and our great room is next to a music room for the surgeons and physicians society. Well, we are all here trying to concentrate, and these guys come in and start moving drum sets which subsequently fall over and create a ruckus. Another guy comes in with some Bud Lites, and they start to play in the room over, the same few chords over and over and over and over. My friend looks at me from across the room and tells me to turn down my ITunes...hahaha Ashley, you stinker! Well, I should get back to studying; I'll update this blog with what I've been up to after this week of stinky mcstink finals...And the band played on...

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